What is cnc prototype and what’s 3D printer service

Torchmold CNC factory

torchmold factory

3D printer service

The very former thing in inventing or building something revolutionary is having to see its presence, a prototype which if very simply put forward is a three-dimesional solid figure of your visions. developing a prototype is an opportunity to see the real face of your creativity that led your invension find a way at the first place. And whether you’re making the prototype at home or finding someone like us, its truely a dream come true seeing your idea trasform into something real.


Torch-Molds‘ rapid prototyping services uses the latest technology to bring to you the plastic prototypes of your visions which gives

it a real and vivid shape to make your prosper, and which is very relative to the injection moulded product.The great thing about this is that this technolgy efficiently makes high quality prototypes that are designed to withstand every rigorous testing giving you to pull out your resources and shoot them to the final designs that is investing in the injection module tool.

prototype process pictures

prototype process

Our special and unique 3D printers does its job like a hero, the prototype is of high resolution, has smooth surface and can also be used to creaate moving parts. the very noticeable thing is tha it can replicate more than 100 different grade of polymers- Polypropylene, flexible rubber like materiaals from shore 27A to 95A as well as with every harsh chemical conditions(hard impact included).

And the problem comes again with developing products which requires multiple materials, this ain’t a problem but is a little fizzy or complicated, but we have got it covered.

Torch-Mold special designed printer offers you the print parts made out of different materials with different machainical properties, all out in the same prototype, it gives the

unique all around physical and chemical properties in the prototype.


And with our skilled set of engineers and workmen, they will advise you of what would be the perfect choice for your vision and how on earth we should implement it to get the insight of

the prototype right before its final scheduling. We bring to you the most delighted and trustworthy technology that is itself changing the world and we make it sure that you are a part of it.

This means that your plastic prototypes accurately reflects what is achievable with injection moulding.

Aluminium machining

Aluminium CNC process

Plastic prototyping for us is a tool for the heart and when you can touch someone’s heart, thats incredible. we are and always will keep developing things like that one moon in the dark because its about giving an idea a life, to help it bring down to people and we are proud that we are a part of it.