How to make export mold with Europe standard

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export mold

Torch mold capability for export mold

The Export mold inspection by our customer before send out. Mold used Europe standard and high quality. This mold life will over 1,000,000 times. Use hot runner by INCOE brand.


Torchmold Injection mould manufacturing & production is the core of torch mold business. The range of injection mould products we can manufacture is comprehensive and we serve a cross section of markets including the medical, technical and defence industries. We enjoy long term customer relationships with many of our clients including, as well known examples, Foxconn; Flextronics etc.

Custom mould is our specialty and we can produce either complete injection mould products or component parts, which we can also help our clients assemble into a larger product if required.


Typical Material Used: We work with a wide range of thermoplastic polymers including ABS, polycarbonate, polypropylene, Nylon family – as well as engineering materials such as PEEK

Please visit our website if you want know more information about us.